Seattle Theatre Group's
Voices of STrength  

As the Cultural Liaison for Voices of Strength - an African contemporary dance program with acclaimed dancers from South Africa, Mozambique, and the Ivory Coast - it was my job to develop community engagement strategies to maximize the impact and visibility of the dancers that performed.

Following my work, I wrote a white paper on effective practices that STG could employ to increase excitement for under-appreciated arts performances they booked in the future. This paper was then sent to the Arts Participation Leadership Initiative so that the findings could be shared with other arts organizations across the United States

Voices of Strength was the first project for STG TV - a video series to document behind the scenes of popular programs.

During the week, we also organized dance classes at two of Seattle’s premier studios for youth, we held a talk at the University of Washington, organized a food and immersion exchange at the Somali refugee center, and held a post-event discussion at the event.

The Result: powerful lessons on how to crate excitement for under-appreciated art forms that STG and other organizations around the country could use. We also built a deeper connection with underserved minority group through an unforgettable week of programming.


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